Monday, September 10, 2018

reading #1

Reading #1
Chapter 2. 

-What is an illustration
            - Can serve 3 purposes
                - Better communicate info
                - Summarize info
                - Catch the eye of reader and drive them to info or article

-Genres of Illustration
            -editorial – alongside an article 
            -advertising – illustration to sell a product
            -fashion – highlighting or designing fashion 
            -technical illustration – textbooks, etc;
            -comics and graphic novels – part of an illustrated story 

-Gregs rules for illustrators #1 DON’T BE STUPID!
-use common sense. Be punctual. Show up on time and present yourself well to a client. Don’t say things against person or product. 

- narrative vs. conceptual illustration
            -  Narrative – visually fleshing out a moment in a book or story. 
- Conceptual – image that captures quality of subject but not from any certain part or passage.

-Stand- alone vs. Sequential illustration
-Stand alone – single stand alone image that gets the point across in one “panel.” All information is within single picture 
-Sequential – a number of illustrations in sequence together. Most commonly a cartoon strip.

- Utilitarian AND decorative
- have a purpose. At the core are there to convey a message or give information. An illustration should tell the viewer what it means simply by looking at it. 
- it still needs to grab the eye though, by being decorative as well. Should also invoke a mood or a feeling while still giving info.